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61 Great Norwood Street (formerly 27)In 1851 the property was occupied by Thomas Hart, haberdasher/grocer; in 1857 by C.H. Lewis, china dealer; in 1871 by Richard Maybrey, gardener; in 1881 by Mary Lawrence, toy & fancy shop; in 1889 by Robert and Elizabeth Welch, bootmakers; in 1892 by Herbert Welch, boot & clog maker and in 1901 by Geo H Cooke, dairyman. In 1916 Miss K.E. Sumner advertised her small greengrocery business here for sale, as she was leaving town. In 1926 the occupant was Mrs Sara A Hunt, confectioner; in 1938-52 by William John Holyoake, confectioner; in 1961 by Mrs A.K. Attwood, confectioner; in 1969/75 by D.I. Chapman & M. Locke, shopkeepers. Today it is home to Llewellyn-Smith & Co. chartered certified accountants. Researcher: Jill Waller