The Corner Shop
Laurence Turner writes:
"I was born in Gloucester in 1956 and my parents relocated to Cheltenham in 1961. We lived there until the summer of 1968, when we moved to Bournemouth. I am now retired and living in the Far East but my memories of Cheltenham during that period are vivid and happy."
"Being a Naunton Park Junior schoolboy between 1965 and 1968, I used to walk home from school every day and pass The Corner Shop on Bath Road. I would gaze through the expansive windows at the toys and games, always longing for birthdays and Christmas to come around so I could ask for an Action Man or a board game. The “Johnny Seven” gun priced at £4/19s/11d eluded me though! Saving my pocket money during the year I was able to purchase an Aurora model kit or a Waddington’s Panorama transfer set on a Saturday, when my parents and older brother went to town shopping. Robert Webley was fairly new to owning the shop in those days, but his kindly manner and enthusiasm made each visit a joy. My family moved away from the area in 1968 but I returned for a visit in 2018 from overseas, where I have retired. I was stunned when entering the shop to see Robert still there behind the counter after all those years! Although he couldn’t remember me, of course, we chatted for a long time reminiscing of those far off days and he even pointed out where he used to display the model kits and Action Men. I was sad to read online that he had passed away recently, but The Corner Shop will forever have a place in my heart."
"I was born in Gloucester in 1956 and my parents relocated to Cheltenham in 1961. We lived there until the summer of 1968, when we moved to Bournemouth. I am now retired and living in the Far East but my memories of Cheltenham during that period are vivid and happy."
"Being a Naunton Park Junior schoolboy between 1965 and 1968, I used to walk home from school every day and pass The Corner Shop on Bath Road. I would gaze through the expansive windows at the toys and games, always longing for birthdays and Christmas to come around so I could ask for an Action Man or a board game. The “Johnny Seven” gun priced at £4/19s/11d eluded me though! Saving my pocket money during the year I was able to purchase an Aurora model kit or a Waddington’s Panorama transfer set on a Saturday, when my parents and older brother went to town shopping. Robert Webley was fairly new to owning the shop in those days, but his kindly manner and enthusiasm made each visit a joy. My family moved away from the area in 1968 but I returned for a visit in 2018 from overseas, where I have retired. I was stunned when entering the shop to see Robert still there behind the counter after all those years! Although he couldn’t remember me, of course, we chatted for a long time reminiscing of those far off days and he even pointed out where he used to display the model kits and Action Men. I was sad to read online that he had passed away recently, but The Corner Shop will forever have a place in my heart."